Category Archives: Biznai

Sampling and Sourcing

Sampling and sourcing is a constant, it is always on going, present, developing and changing. However, in the very early days it posed the ultimate hurdle, and that is not to say we don’t still get things wrong, it just seemed in the earlies we never got things right. Frankly, without the correct product, well to put bluntly, you are snookered. (Side note, someone told me the other day more money is gambled on frames of snooker than most other sports, how crazy).
What do you think of the photo attached? If you think the embroidery looks dodgy, you should have tried it on. The amount of money I parted with on woeful samples was truly astonishing, and it is harrowing to this day. I spent hours trawling through Alibaba (which by the way is worth billions, and I personally think is useless), and then days going to and fro with my Asian counterpart, only to then wait weeks on some awful samples. Years go by, sourcing and suppliers change, but there is always teething. Patrice Evra always states ‘I love this game’, I am not sure how he’d feel about sampling and sourcing.

A Place to Start

With Hamish playing his rugby in Edinburgh he was tasked in sounding out the market. With his playing time split between Edinburgh Accies and Edinburgh, he employed the double pronged assault, Hamish delivered Accies swiftly followed Edinburgh (I believe Edinburgh Academicals were our first ever cap order) . Interestingly enough, a year later a light ban was placed on the Edinburgh players wearing Rex Club headwear around Murrayfield – something about us stepping on the toes of Macron, if you can believe that. Nowadays, in a normal sporting calendar year, plenty of Rex Club caps and bobbles hats adorn the heads of spectators milling around Murrayfield, a sight to behold.

A First.

What you see here is the first cap to have any association with the word ‘REX’. At this stage there was no business plan in place, no ‘Club’ had been added, and no thought had go towards building a brand. All there was, was a love of sport and an obsession with caps. The very first ‘Rex’ cap was made on a very first trip to New York.

A Photographic Archive

I have over 42,000 images on my iPhone and a good deal of these are of something to do with Rex Club. Some photos are of what has inspired me, others of early designs, essentially the infancy of the brand documented in picture up until the present day. We have an archive of every hat ever made, but this is my personal photographic album. I look forward to sharing images with you, that tell the story of Rex Club to present day. #Biznai